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Feedbacks,Testimonials, Article Friday's is not enough, by Anthony von Sager

Recomenadation Letter from Major J. Hahn, Los Angeles

Letter of Recomenadation from Gov. Office TX for Disability

amazing Mid West Book Revue, for Anthony von Sager Book

Letter of Recomenadation from major Ortopedic German M.D.

one of the "1st" US Nationals, Able Body Divisions NBL, designed and hosted by Anthony von Sager

Letter from President of the USA, George W. Bush

Fridays is not enough, Article by Anthony von Sager

Letter of Recomenadation, invetation from M.D. Kenneth H. Cooper!

Nice Letter from Head of Fox Studios Los Angeles, CA

Letter of Recomenadation, M.D. Head of Baylor Hospital TX

Top Ten Finalist, Beverly Hills Film Festival 08 & 2011

Friday's is not enough, by Anthony von Sager

Friday's is not enough, by Anthony von Sager

Testimonials: from past events,


Dear Anthony,


It was certainly good to hear from you and be brought up-to-date regarding your amazing accomplishments as a handicapped athlete. 

It is not only your personal accomplishments which are most impressive, it is what you have done for many others which has established your legacy. I found the recommendations which you sent for sport rehabilitation and muscle strengthening to be quite informative.  I hope to implement some of these recommendations in the care of my patients.

Attached you will find information regarding various activities conducted here at the Cooper Aerobics Center.  In the future, if you are ever in this area, please drop by our center.  You would be a most honored guest. 


Kenneth H. Cooper, MD, MPH,

Cooper Aerobic Institute, Dallas, TX 



Dear Anthony, thank you for coming to our class on Wed. 02-07-03, we hope you can come see us again…love, the class (Marina Middle School, LA, CA).


Dear Anthony, thank you for your having taken the time and lighten our spirits. Please come back soon, Ms. Lopez.

Dear Anthony, I think what you are doing can help anyone, please keep up the good work, you inspired me a lot today. Eden.


Dear Anthony, Thank you so much for my tiger T-shirt, It was great to have you at my quincenera, it made it even so match more special to have you there. You are a great friend and teacher. Love Eden * (one year later, after Eden’s birthday).


Dear Anthony, thank you so match for coming, and sharing your life’s ups and downs with us, I was truly inspired, keep up the hard work. Sincerely, Ms. Wilson Teacher. 


Dear Anthony, you are wonderful!.


Please visit us again soon, you are an inspiration. Ms. Mason, Teacher.


(One day before my birthday, one of the greats birthday presents, ever…)




Fall of 2003 NY Pace University & NYC, NY


I truly enjoyed the opportunity I had to meeting you; your lecture provoked me to take a deeper look into my self. After listing to you, it did encourage me to be more positive and uplifting. NYC, Navita Bailey.


Thank you for showing us that although we are individuals in the class we can work together to share opticales that we all have the overcome, thanks a lot. Benal R..


Thank you for taking your time and coming to Pace University, you are truly an inspiration to me. Your strength and courage were evident when we meet you. I wish to meet more people like you. Your passion, strength and authenticity are greatly appreciated. Thanks, NYC J Sheena.


Thank you for taking time to come to NY, to speak with us, thank you for your teaching me that anything can happen and to believe in your self to make the impossible, possible!

Helen Cheng.


Thank you for taking the time to speak to our class it have been wonderful and inspirational to hear from your experience I hope this was not the last time we hear from you. Polina O.


To my friend Anthony; your are true worrier of Life, your perfect courage in action, of your life truth! Truly inspiring, thank you (Bill) William W Arnold. 

Professor at the Pace University NY.


Thank you so much for taking the time to come to our class. You are truly inspirational to us all. I just hope you enjoyed your time in NYC, I’m looking forward to hear from you again. Lucy A.


Your Speech was truly inspirational, inspired me to move forward. Pamala NYC.


 February 26th 2004 Pepperdine University Malibu, CA



First off, thank you very much for taking the time out to share your amazing story with us. Its people like you make a different in this World and encourage people like my self that anything is possible. Your love and dedication to make people happy is a true inspiration to me. Thank you for been so true to your self, to make such an impact in the lives of others. Sophia Garcia.


I learned to today that it is not just about to setting goals; it is about loving your self! Success happens because of devotion, passion, desire and love. Without any of this elements success is unachievable. Being true to you is the only way to life. As a side note, you are the most genuine and inspirational speaker I ever heard. Thank you so match, Anthony.

Rayan Muddleston.


Anthony, I learned so match from you today. It was always my dream to open my own clothing business, after listening to you today I really feel this is something I can do. You have inspired me to go outside my comfort zone and to achieve my dreams. Thank you, Kristin McClune.


Thank you so match for coming to our class today, and to encourage me to break the board! I feel I can overcome and work true a lot more as before. K.C.


Before I meeting you I was thinking, it would be unstoppable for my to walk down the same path as my brothers and I just come from the ER as my were we rushed my brother after overdosing, after meeting you, listening to your accomplishments and optical you had to overcome, I’m inspired to break free and to find me one path, healthier and strong, thank you for making me breaking the board…! OO7.  

(I feel his name should be protected and his courage honored)


Dear Anthony, ones again you made the impossible, possible, thank you. I did send you as well a copy of my new book; “The perfect courage” and would love for you to write the “Forward”! Thanks you so match and please do never change your authenticity. 

William W Arnold 3.27.05 (Assoc. Prof. at Pepperdine CA).



What the Master and Legends have to say;


Your are “The Man”, you are truly an inspiration to all. Gene LeBell 04.


Your work as teacher, and mentor always been amazing and wonderful, keep on walking your. truthful path. Shihan Lemmens 04.


Your are an inspiration to all of us, you accomplishments and work well knowing, I am proud of. you. Shihan Tony Bader 2000.


I know Sensei Anthony all my life; he is amazing and great row-model, changing not just his life, countless others. He is a true inspiration for anyone with the need to change there life’s! Renshi Mihran Aghvinian 03.


I did see you for years teaching for years around town, and must say your work is truly amazing and inspirational. Wesley Snips 2002Baseball sensation, Luis D. Ortiz. 

thank you Sensei Anthony you are amazing, you made a big difference in my life. TX 97.


Your work and willingness for the truth, your involvement and engagement to your students especially for handicapped Children is truly inspirational and amazing,

Sensei Jamie Cashion III TX 93.


Your are amazing, successfully all the best. Shihan Bob Wall.

evening of March 31st 93, god bless, Brendon Lee and Dad.


You are an inspiration, to a good friend. Shihan Chuck Norris.


To: “The Man” you an inspiration to all of us, keep up the great work!  Shihan Danny Inosanto 04


Keep on kicking nice to hear from you, old friend. Shihan Superfoot 04.


Keep on kicking; you are amazing all the best. Shihan Benny the Jet 05.


Thanks Anthony for all your support, you are inspiration;

keep up the great work w/ special kids. WBA Champion Paulie Ayala 96.


Your Video Get fit for Life, and your Programs is for anybody-

how with the need to be in a better place in life!

Shihan J. Pat Burleson First American World Karate Champion 63-66.
